Tuesday, January 29, 2008



I have been quiet have I not?

I do apologize to those who have come back to hear the next part of "Who is Summer-Raine anyway Part 2".

Truth be known...

the more I express the past, the clearer the present and future have become.

I am currently going through great changes within and without.

I have found myself standing before many doorways within.

Knowing that it is time to move on.

Time to open one of those doors and just go with it.

I can almost see the energies forming around and within my being.

I sense that magick is at work once again in my life and I feel so grateful and appreciative of this blessing from Our lady!

Would you believe that I have won two card readings within the space of a month. This is just one of her ways of getting the message to me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It would seem transformation and magick are in the air...

Congratulations on your discoveries -past, present, and future.
